
8 de noviembre de 2012

Copa Faro a la deportividad

Del 1 al 4 de noviembre se ha celebrado, en las instalaciones del Colegio Real Monasterio de Santa Isabel, la Copa Faro de 2012, un torneo de fútbol que se organiza cada año a nivel nacional y reúne a todos los clubes Faro de España, además de algún club del extranjero. Participan chavales desde 5º de primaria hasta 4º ESO. Damos la enhorabuena al colegio Highlands el Encinar, ganador de la Copa Faro, que se otorga a la delegación que destaca por su deportividad y comportamiento fuera y dentro de las canchas.
Este año, han participado 300 deportistas procedentes de los clubes de Barcelona, Sant Cugat, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, Palma de Mallorca y Roma. Dani de Fernando, un alumno de 4º de ESO de Highlands El Encinar, nos cuenta su experiencia y el valor que da él a este premio, para ello ha tirado a lo alto y nos habla en inglés. (Continuar leyendo)

Thy Kindom Come!
“I am one of the coaches of the Copa Faro tournament that has taken place in Barcelona these days. In my opinion, these days have been really fun for both the kids and the coaches but at the same time very tiring. We have met other ECyD members from all over Spain and have made many friends although we have not won many trophies. However, we have won the most important trophy of the tournament, the Copa Faro Cup, which is five to the school whose players have shown sports qualities such as team work, respectfulness to the other teams and fair play. All this experience has helped me realize that there are still catholic young people ready to defend and live their faith in all circumstances. Definitely I would encourage every kid of this school to come to the next Copa Faro Tournament, which will be held again in Barcelona next year and I hope we will win the main trophy again.
Dani de Fernando, 4º ESO.

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